I graduated from the Academy of Physical Education Bronisław Czech in Krakow at the Department of Movement Rehabilitation, the Post-Secondary School of Integrative Therapeutic Massage No. 2 also in Krakow. In June last year, after five years of difficult education at the Flanders International College of Osteopathy in Warsaw, I passed my high-ranking exams and awarded the DIPLOMA in OSTEOPATHY, i.e. D.O. (huge satisfaction, because there are only two people with this title in our city !!!).
I participated in many courses in the field of manual therapy, massage and kinesitherapy, learning from the best authorities from the country and Europe. Thanks to this, the physiotherapeutic methods I suggest are among the most modern and recognized not only in Europe, but also in the whole world.
I have extensive experience in the rehabilitation of patients after arthroscopic surgery (knee, shoulder, hip, foot)After graduation, I worked first in France, in the hospital in Decazeville (internal, general surgery, orthopedic surgery and traumatology, department for craniocerebral injuries, geriatrics), then in Częstochowa (Institute of Health and Beauty “Concept”, Centrum
Rehabilitacji EKOVITA, NZOZ COiR “Health”). I am an ordinary member of the Polish Society of Manual Medicine.
In 2015, in November I had the opportunity to study weekly in one of the French schools of osteopathy: Center Européen d’Enseignement Supérieur de l’Ostéopathie Lyon, I participated in theoretical and clinical activities.
Another year 2016 is an expedition to St. Petersburg – V. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine, where I explored osteopathy in the visceral (visceral) field and the autonomic nervous system (10 days). These were very valuable experiences for me, which significantly expanded my knowledge and practical skills.
I’m interested in biology, sport – I play football in spare time.