If the patient reports a history of left shoulder pain, conventional medicine focuses on the area in which the patient has symptoms or suspects the cervical spine. Laser treatments, magnetic field, analgesics and exercises are prescribed if there are no contraindications.
The shoulder joint consists of five joints: scapulo-humeral, acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, subacromial (not an anatomical but physiological), rib-scapular (physiological). Some authors also include the cervical spine in the thoracic (between the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae). These joints are complex and interlocked, so the osteopath examines them and the muscles that affect them, but it goes much further. The shoulder area corresponds with the innervation of
cervical levels. The diaphragmatic nerve is just innervated from these levels of C3C4C5, so the osteopath will also work on the diaphragm (one of the most important muscles in the human body). The clavicle connects the upper limb with the trunk, and connects to the skull through the sternocleidomastoid muscle. When the patient additionally reports that he / she also has a feeling of epigastric compression or heartburn, check the organs, such as the stomach or esophagus. Patients after car accidents or falls often suffer upper rib injury, pleural or lung disorders.
In conclusion, osteopath does not cure only the symptom – tennis elbow or jumper’s knee, but above all treats a human. Obviously, the fact that osteopathic medicine does not cure all diseases, it is necessary to work with doctors, because you can not always help with manual treatment.